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Field Shirts

81 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 81 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 81 products
East German Rain Camouflage Shirt - East German Army Surplus - Field ShirtsEast German Rain Camouflage Shirt - East German Army Surplus - Field Shirts
East German Army Surplus East German Rain Camouflage Shirt
From $33.50 - $47.00
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
12 Reviews
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German Flecktarn Shirt - German Army Surplus - Field ShirtsGerman Flecktarn Shirt - German Army Surplus - Field Shirts
German Army Surplus German Flecktarn Shirt
From $27.00 - $40.50
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
13 Reviews
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British Army DPM Shirt - British Army Surplus - Field ShirtsBritish Army DPM Shirt - British Army Surplus - Field Shirts
British Army Surplus British Army DPM Shirt
Sale price$10.85 USD Regular price$15.50 USD
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
12 Reviews
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Auscam Field Shirt - RumJungle - Field ShirtsAuscam Field Shirt - RumJungle - Field Shirts
RumJungle Auscam Field Shirt
Sale price$54.00 USD
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German Flecktarn Shirt - New - German Army Surplus - Field ShirtsGerman Flecktarn Shirt - New - German Army Surplus - Field Shirts
German Army Surplus German Flecktarn Shirt - New
From $47.00 - $54.00
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
2 Reviews
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British 95 Desert Shirt - New - British Army Surplus - Field ShirtsBritish 95 Desert Shirt - New - British Army Surplus - Field Shirts
British Army Surplus British 95 Desert Shirt - New
Sale price$17.50 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews
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German Army Tropentarn Shirt - German Army Surplus - Field ShirtsGerman Army Tropentarn Shirt - German Army Surplus - Field Shirts
German Army Surplus German Army Tropentarn Shirt
From $33.50 - $47.00
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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British 95 Desert Shirt - British Army Surplus - Field ShirtsBritish 95 Desert Shirt - British Army Surplus - Field Shirts
British Army Surplus British 95 Desert Shirt
Sale price$13.50 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
4 Reviews
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USGI M51 Wool Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSGI M51 Wool Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
US Army Surplus USGI M51 Wool Shirt
From $40.50 - $54.00
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
1 Review
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Swiss Army Alpenflage Shirt - New - Swiss Army Surplus - Field ShirtsSwiss Army Alpenflage Shirt - New - Swiss Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Swiss Army Surplus Swiss Army Alpenflage Shirt - New
Sale price$20.50 USD
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
8 Reviews
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British MTP Combat Shirt - British Army Surplus - Field ShirtsBritish MTP Combat Shirt - British Army Surplus - Field Shirts
British Army Surplus British MTP Combat Shirt
From $17.00 - $20.50
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
8 Reviews
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US Repro M37 Wool Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field ShirtsUS Repro M37 Wool Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field Shirts
Mil-Tec US Repro M37 Wool Shirt
Sale price$55.60 USD Regular price$69.50 USD
Sold out
Austrian Army OD Shirt - Austrian Army Surplus - Field ShirtsAustrian Army OD Shirt - Austrian Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Austrian Army Surplus Austrian Army OD Shirt
Sale price$20.50 USD
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
9 Reviews
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USMC MARPAT Woodland Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSMC MARPAT Woodland Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
US Army Surplus USMC MARPAT Woodland Shirt
Sale price$47.00 USD
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USGI Six Colour Desert Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSGI Six Colour Desert Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
NZ Army DPM Shirt Grade 2 - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field ShirtsNZ Army DPM Shirt Grade 2 - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Greek Army Ripstop Lizard Camo Shirt - Greek Army Surplus - Field ShirtsGreek Army Ripstop Lizard Camo Shirt - Greek Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Greek Army Surplus Greek Army Ripstop Lizard Camo Shirt
Sale price$47.00 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
2 Reviews
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Vietnam Rip-Stop Tiger Stripe Shirt - Rothco - Field ShirtsVietnam Rip-Stop Tiger Stripe Shirt - Rothco - Field Shirts
US Genuine Woodland Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUS Genuine Woodland Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
US Army Surplus US Genuine Woodland Shirt
From $20.50 - $27.00
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
4 Reviews
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US Navy NWU Type I Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUS Navy NWU Type I Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
USGI 3 Colour Desert Ripstop Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSGI 3 Colour Desert Ripstop Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
US Army Surplus USGI 3 Colour Desert Ripstop Shirt
From $20.50 - $27.00
Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
4 Reviews
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Olive Drab Ripstop Field Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field ShirtsOlive Drab Ripstop Field Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field Shirts
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USGI Air Force ABU Utility Womans Coat - US Air Force Surplus - Field ShirtsUSGI Air Force ABU Utility Womans Coat - US Air Force Surplus - Field Shirts
US Air Force Surplus USGI Air Force ABU Utility Womans Coat
Sale price$20.50 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
1 Review
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Vintage Vietnam Rip-Stop OD Field Shirt - Rothco - Field ShirtsVintage Vietnam Rip-Stop OD Field Shirt - Rothco - Field Shirts
Rothco Vintage Vietnam Rip-Stop OD Field Shirt
Sale price$108.50 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
1 Review
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USMC Desert MARPAT Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSMC Desert MARPAT Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
US Army Surplus USMC Desert MARPAT Shirt
Sale price$35.00 USD Regular price$40.50 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Coyote Ripstop Field Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field ShirtsCoyote Ripstop Field Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field Shirts
Mil-Tec Coyote Ripstop Field Shirt
Sale price$32.40 USD Regular price$54.00 USD
Only 5 units left
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USGI Woodland Ripstop Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSGI Woodland Ripstop Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
US Army Surplus USGI Woodland Ripstop Shirt
From $20.50 - $27.00
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews
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German Navy Dark Blue Middy - German Army Surplus - Field ShirtsGerman Navy Dark Blue Middy - German Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Save 40%Sale
Woodland ACU Ripstop Combat Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field ShirtsWoodland ACU Ripstop Combat Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field Shirts
Mil-Tec Woodland ACU Ripstop Combat Shirt
Sale price$48.60 USD Regular price$81.00 USD
Only 1 unit left
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Black Ripstop Field Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field Shirts
Mil-Tec Black Ripstop Field Shirt
Sale price$54.00 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Italian Army Vegetato Field Shirt - Italian Army Surplus - Field ShirtsItalian Army Vegetato Field Shirt - Italian Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Croatian Army Woodland Shirt - Croatian Army Surplus - Field ShirtsCroatian Army Woodland Shirt - Croatian Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Croatian Army Surplus Croatian Army Woodland Shirt
Sale price$13.50 USD
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
2 Reviews
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USGI 3 Colour Desert Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSGI 3 Colour Desert Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
US Army Surplus USGI 3 Colour Desert Shirt
From $20.50 - $27.00
Only 1 unit left
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USGI Air Force ABU Utility Coat - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSGI Air Force ABU Utility Coat - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
US Army Surplus USGI Air Force ABU Utility Coat
From $20.50 - $27.00
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Czech Vz92 Field Jacket - Czech Army Surplus - Field ShirtsCzech Vz92 Field Jacket - Czech Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Czech Army Surplus Czech Vz92 Field Jacket
Sale price$20.50 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
8 Reviews
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US Vietnam Era Repro Jungle Fatigue Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field ShirtsUS Vietnam Era Repro Jungle Fatigue Shirt - Mil-Tec - Field Shirts
Greek Army Lizard Camo Shirt - Greek Army Surplus - Field ShirtsGreek Army Lizard Camo Shirt - Greek Army Surplus - Field Shirts
French Short-Sleeve CE Camo Shirt - French Army Surplus - Field ShirtsFrench Short-Sleeve CE Camo Shirt - French Army Surplus - Field Shirts
French Army Surplus French Short-Sleeve CE Camo Shirt
Sale price$20.50 USD
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
1 Review
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NZ Army DPM Ripstop Shirt - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field ShirtsNZ Army DPM Ripstop Shirt - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field Shirts
New Zealand Army Surplus NZ Army DPM Ripstop Shirt
Sale price$47.00 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
1 Review
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NZ Army DPM Shirt - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field ShirtsNZ Army DPM Shirt - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Swiss Army Alpenflage Shirt - Swiss Army Surplus - Field ShirtsSwiss Army Alpenflage Shirt - Swiss Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Swiss Army Surplus Swiss Army Alpenflage Shirt
Sale price$17.50 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews
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NZ Army MCU Field Shirt - Grade 2 - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field ShirtsNZ Army MCU Field Shirt - Grade 2 - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field Shirts
NZ Army MCU Field Shirt - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field ShirtsNZ Army MCU Field Shirt - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field Shirts
USMC MARPAT Woodland Womans Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field ShirtsUSMC MARPAT Woodland Womans Shirt - US Army Surplus - Field Shirts
NZ Army MCU Field Shirt - New - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field ShirtsNZ Army MCU Field Shirt - New - New Zealand Army Surplus - Field Shirts
New Zealand Army Surplus NZ Army MCU Field Shirt - New
Sale price$74.50 USD
Only 3 units left
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British Army DPM Shirt - Grade 2 - British Army Surplus - Field ShirtsBritish Army DPM Shirt - Grade 2 - British Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Austrian ANZUG 03 Field Shirt - Austrian Army Surplus - Field ShirtsAustrian ANZUG 03 Field Shirt - Austrian Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Austrian Army Surplus Austrian ANZUG 03 Field Shirt
From $27.00 - $33.50
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
4 Reviews
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Austrian ANZUG 03 Field Shirt - Grade 2 - Austrian Army Surplus - Field ShirtsAustrian ANZUG 03 Field Shirt - Grade 2 - Austrian Army Surplus - Field Shirts
Austrian Army Surplus Austrian ANZUG 03 Field Shirt - Grade 2
Sale price$13.50 USD
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
1 Review
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