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Entrenching Tools

6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products
Black Tri-Folding Shovel - Mil-Com - Entrenching ToolsBlack Tri-Folding Shovel - Mil-Com - Entrenching Tools
German Tri-Fold Shovel with Cover - German Army Surplus - Entrenching ToolsGerman Tri-Fold Shovel with Cover - German Army Surplus - Entrenching Tools
German Tri-Fold Shovel - German Army Surplus - Entrenching ToolsGerman Tri-Fold Shovel - German Army Surplus - Entrenching Tools
USGI Gerber Tri-folding Shovel - US Army Surplus - Entrenching ToolsUSGI Gerber Tri-folding Shovel - US Army Surplus - Entrenching Tools
Repro East German Shovel With Cover - East German Army Surplus - Entrenching ToolsRepro East German Shovel With Cover - East German Army Surplus - Entrenching Tools
East German Leather Shovel Cover - East German Army Surplus - Entrenching ToolsEast German Leather Shovel Cover - East German Army Surplus - Entrenching Tools

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